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Growth response of penaeus monodon fabricus to pelleted feeds of different protein sources

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dc.contributor.advisor Susheela Jose
dc.contributor.author Josekkutty, P A
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-13T06:45:50Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-13T06:45:50Z
dc.date.issued 1991
dc.identifier.citation 170263 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 170263 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/8502
dc.description.abstract The efficiency and keeping quality of the five pelleted feeds formulated from different protein sources viz. clarm meal, prawn meal, slaughter house waste meal, soybean meal, single protein (marine yeast) were tested with a view to develop a suitable supplementary feed for Penaeus monodon The feeds were isonitrogeneous , crude protein content ranged from 39.76 to 40.3%) and isocaloric (Caloric value between 3.34-3.72 K.cal/g). The quality of the feeds over a period of four months of storage remained good, eventhough a slight reduction in nutritive value has occurred. P. monodon juvenile were reared for 6 weeks in experimental tanks with different artificial feeds the highest growth and survival were recorded in those fed with diet based on animal protein sources. Among the feeds tested, the clam meal based diet was found to be superior followed by diet based on slaughter house waste meal. The diet based on marine yeast was found to give better performance than those based on prawn meal or soybean meal. The food conversion ratios obtained with different feeds ranged from 2.18 to 3.26. The lowest FCR was recorded in diet based on clam meal (2.18) and the highest (3.26) in diet based on marine yeast. Protein efficiency ratios and protein digestability values were found to be higher in prawns fed with diet based on clam meal followed by diet based on slaughter house waste meal. Significant variations in the biochemical composition of prawns fed with diet based on different protein sources were recorded. Significant variation in oxygen consumption, ammonia, excretion and O:N ratios were recorded in prawns reared on different protein based diets. Highest oxygen consumption rate and lowest ammonia excretion rate were observed for diets based on animal protein sources than plant or single cell protein source. Among the different diets tested, diet based on clam meal recorded highest oxygen consumption, lowest ammonia excretion and highest O:N ratio values. The optimum food ration for P.mondon juveniles was found to be at 6% of the body weight while maintenance and maximum rations were 1.8% and 15% respectively for clam meal based diet. Food consumption, growth and survival of P.monodon increased, as feeding frequency was raised, however these parameters increased only upto an increase of 3 meal/day and there after they showed a declining trend. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad en_US
dc.subject Artificial diet en_US
dc.subject Hatcheries en_US
dc.subject Exorbitant cost en_US
dc.subject Pelleted feeds en_US
dc.title Growth response of penaeus monodon fabricus to pelleted feeds of different protein sources en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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