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Multy-dimensional analysis of kuttimulla cultivation in Alapuzha district

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dc.contributor.advisor Prakash, R
dc.contributor.author Nizamudeen, A
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-22T10:10:36Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-22T10:10:36Z
dc.date.issued 1996
dc.identifier.citation 170946 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 170946 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/8637
dc.description.abstract The study ‘A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of ‘Kuttimulla’ Cultivation in Alapuzha District’ was carried out with the following objectives. 1. To study the socio-economic profile of the ‘Kuttimulla’ growers. 2. To study the extent of adoption of the cultivation practices. 3. To study the entrepreneurial behavior of the ‘Kuttimulla’ growers. 4. To study the motivational pattern of ‘Kuttimulla’ growers. 5. To identify the marketing channels prevailing in the area. 6. To study the constraints as perceived by the growers. 7. To develop an extension model to popularize ‘Kuttimulla’ cultivation In Kerala. The study was conducted in three purposively selected panchayats of Alapuzha district. A sample of 150 growers, ie. 50 selected randomly from each panchayat, formed the respondents of the study. Personal interview was conducted with the help of a well structured and pre-tested interview schedule. The data so collected was analysed with the help of suitable statistical techniques. The extent of adoption and the entrepreneurial behavior formed the dependent variables of the study. The selected profile characteristics of ‘Kuttimulla’ growers were taken as independent variables which included farming experience, socio-economic status, economic motivation, social participation, mass media exposure, information seeking behavior, cosmopoliteness, contact with extension agency, market perception, credit orientation, management orientation, attitude towards self employment and knowledge about ‘Kuttimulla’ cultivation. The motivational pattern influencing the adoption was also studied. Majority of the ‘Kuttimulla’ growers were found to have low farming experience, high socio-economic status, high economic motivation, low social participation, high mass media exposure, low information seeking behavior, high cosmopoliteness, high contact with extension agency, low market perception, high credit orientation, high management orientation, favorable attitudes towards self employment and high knowledge level. Majority of the ‘kuttimulla’ growers have high level of adoption and high entrepreneurial behavior. The most governing motive behind the adoption of ‘Kuttimulla’ was the economic security. Of the 13 variables studied, information seeking behavior, economic motivation and knowledge level were found to have a positive and significant correlation with the two dependent variables. Farming experience, cosmopoliteness, and credit orientation were found to have a positive and significant correlation only with adoption. All the other variable are having an non-significant correlation with the two dependent variables. The most important marketing channel of ‘Kuttimulla’ prevailing in the study area was Producer-Collection agent-Collection centre-Florishops-Consumer. The important constraints experienced by the ‘Kuttimulla’ growers were ‘difficulty in availing inputs’(production), ‘non availability of credit’(technological) and ‘inability of small growers to find market’(marketing). The major suggestions given by the respondents were ‘evolving high yielding varieties’(research), ‘establishing separate floricultural scheme’ (extension) and ‘installation of flower based industry’ (Marketing). en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani en_US
dc.subject Agricultural Extension en_US
dc.title Multy-dimensional analysis of kuttimulla cultivation in Alapuzha district en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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