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Performance of clonal progenies from different yield groups and in relation to size of suckers in rainfed banana musa (AAB Group) palayankodan

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dc.contributor.advisor Aravindakshan, N
dc.contributor.author Prasanna, K P
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-23T07:14:14Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-23T07:14:14Z
dc.date.issued 1983
dc.identifier.citation 171015 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 171015 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/8662
dc.description.abstract Tae p resen t in v e s tig a tio n m e se r r ied c a t in the S ep erteen t e f Penology, C o lleg e e f iia r tie u ltu r e , V sllen lk ifsre from 1981 te 19<»2. The study wee aimed a t fin d in g ou t the e f f e e t e f suekare fr e e d iffe r e n t y ie ld group* end th e ir e is e en growth, d u r a tio n y ie ld end q u a lity e f f r u i t s . th e fe a r parental y ie ld groups fr e e which suckers were eeed were 5 te 7 hg9 d to 10 kg, 11 te 13 kg and 14 t e 16 k g . The e ls e e f seek ers need in the study wee 1 te 1*3 kg, 2 te 2 .5 kg end 3 te 3*5 k g . th e t r ia l wee la id s e t a s m f e e tor in i experiment in randomised bloc* d esign with twelve tr e e teen te end f iv e r e p lic a tio n s . • Seekers fr e e d iffe r e n t y ie ld groups had no e f f e e t en the morphological charactera , hut th e e ls e e f se ek ers in flu enced the a o rp h elo g lea l eh ereeta rs during the v e g e ta tiv e phase. Toward* sh e e tin g t in e , th ese differences were le v e lle d o f f . The duration e f the erep wee s ig n if ic a n t ly redueed whan the sueksr used wee larger* Meiinua duration wee t aken fey plant* rein ed fr e e euokere weighing 1 te 1 .5 k g. Y ield a ttr ib u te s v is * 9 w eight e f bunch, len g th e f buneh9 nusber e f hands per buneh9 w eight e f hend9 number e f fin g e r s per bunch, and len g th , g ir th end w eight e f fin g e r were s e t in flu en ced by the treatment*. traatsante a loo n*& m t f fM l oa toe f r u i t quality UuffMUn like to ta l aoluOla M i l l * , a c id ity , to ta l sugar, radualng sugar, noxwaduoifig auger and augur/acid ra tio * en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Pomology & Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara en_US
dc.subject Pomology & Floriculture and Landscaping en_US
dc.subject Banana
dc.title Performance of clonal progenies from different yield groups and in relation to size of suckers in rainfed banana musa (AAB Group) palayankodan en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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