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Techno- socio- economic assessment of farmers practices in the cultivation of cowpea in Thiruvanathapuram district

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dc.contributor.advisor Shilaja, S
dc.contributor.author Manjjusha, A R
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-13T09:49:22Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-13T09:49:22Z
dc.date.issued 2000
dc.identifier.citation 171585 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 171585 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/9056
dc.description.abstract The study aimed at assessing the socio-economic and technical aspects of the farmers' prac- tices in the cultivation of cowpea as perceived by the researchers, extension personnel and the farmers. The study was conducted in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala State. On the basis of dis- cussion with experts, researchers, extension personnel and people's representatives in the district, Kalliyoor panchayat was selected as the locale of the study which is the prominent vegetable cultivat- ing area in the district. Two sets of respondents were selected for the study. Forty practising farmers cultivating cow pea was included as the respondents of the first category. Fifty extension officials and agricultural scientists working with sufficient experience in extension or research related to the culti- vation of cowpea was selected as the second category of respondents. The dependent variables of the study were knowledge of farmers about the recommended practices and extent of adoption of farmers' practices. These dependent variables were quantified us- ing measurement devices developed for the study. Fifteen independent variables were selected for the study which included age, education, main occupation, farming experience, annual income, area under cowpea, exposure to information sources, irrigation index, social participation, extension orientation, economic motivation, innovativeness, cosmopoliteness, credit orientation, risk orientation, participation in PTD and perception about PTD. All these independent variables were quantified with the help of available measurement procedures. For assessing scientifically the socio-economic and technical aspects of the farmers' practices identi- fied, matrix ranking was adopted. The data were collected using both non-participant observation technique and a pre-tested structured interview schedule prepared for the purpose. Different statistical tools like mean, percentage analysis, correlation analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and step- ) wise regression analysis were used to analyse the data. I'" The study revealed 57 farmers' practices in the cultivation of cowpea. The practices 'applica- tion of neemcake, groundnut cake and bonemeal twenty days after sowing', 'spraying neemoil ernul- sion against American Serpentine Leaf Miner' and 'ploughing the land after adding lime' registered the highest techno-socio-economic indices. The practices 'drying of pods for four to six days', 'application of neem cake, groundnut cake and bonemeal twenty days after sowing' and 'basal application of cattle -;- manure or poultry manure' were considered by the farmers as most efficient. But researchers and extension personnel considered the practices 'basal application of cattle manure or poultry manure', 'drying of pods for four to six days' and 'application of poultry manure ten days after sowing' as most efficient. About 48 per cent of farmers belonged to the low knowledge category and 40 per cent possessed high knowledge about the selected recommended practices. 'Sowing after first week of June is the most suitable time', 'ploughing the land thoroughly two to three times to remove weeds and stubbles' and 'hoeing at the time of application of second dose of nitrogen' were the most known practices to cent per- cent of the farmers selected for the study purpose. About 53 per cent of the farmers belonged to the low adoption category and 38 per cent of the farmers were in the high category with respect to adoption of efficient farmers' practices. 'Drying of pods for four to six days' was the practice adopted by majority of the farmers in this area. Twelve practices out of eighteen were adopted by more than 50 per cent of the farmers. With regard to relationship of knowledge with selected independent variables, variables viz., education, annual income, exposure to information sources, so- cial participation, extension orientation, cosmopoliteness and risk orientation were found to have sig- nificant and positve relationship with knowledge of recommended practices. Extent of adopion of efficient farmers' practices was related positively and significantly with five independent variables viz., education, exposure to information sources, social participation, extension orientation and knowl- edge about recommended practices. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that about 71 per cent of the variation in knowledge and 61.77 per cent of the variation in extent of adoption were explained by the selected independent variables. Step-wise regression analysis revealed that of the 71 per cent of the variation in knowledge, 47 per cent was contributed by exposure to information sources alone, about 6.0 per cent by the variable age and remaining by all the other independent variables. Incidence of pests and diseases, labout scarcity and uneven production were the major production constraints experienced by majority of the respondents and high labour charges, high cost of material inputs and price fluctuation of the produce were the major economic constraints. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani en_US
dc.subject Agricultural Extension en_US
dc.title Techno- socio- economic assessment of farmers practices in the cultivation of cowpea in Thiruvanathapuram district en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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