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Qualitative changes in cashew apple products in storage with special reference to vitamin C

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dc.contributor.advisor Nirmala, C
dc.contributor.author Sreeja, K C
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-18T09:02:56Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-18T09:02:56Z
dc.date.issued 1996
dc.identifier.citation 171181 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 171181 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/9144
dc.description.abstract The study entitled “Qualitative Changes in cashew apple products in storage with special reference to vitamin C” is a comprehensive study aimed to find out the qualitative changes that occur in cashew apple products in storage with more attention to vitamin C. Results of the study indicated that the fresh cashew apple had a vitamin C content of 263 mg/100g, total soluble solids 11.200Brix, reducing sugars 15.20 per cent, total phenol 0.34 per cent, acidity 0.18 per cent and pH of 3.10. Before storage clarified juice prepared from cashew apple had a vitamin C content of 213.06 mg/100g, total soluble solids 10.300Brix, reducing sugars 14.04 per cent, total phenol 0.31 per cent, acidity 0.14 per cent and pH 3.40. Organoleptic evaluation of clarified juice before storage received a mean scores of 3.50 for appearance, 3.80 for taste, 3.60 for flavour and 4 for astringency. For squash and jam, the parameters like taste, flavour and astringency secured the mean score for 4.00. The colour of jam recorded a mean score of 3.90 wine secural a mean score of 3.00 for appearance, 3.40 for taste, 3.15 for flavour, 3.00 for colour, 3.50 for clarity, 3.00 for strength and 4.00 for astringency. For candy taste, flavour, texture and astringency attributes revealed a mean score of 4.00 and the score for appearance was 3.35 and 3.20 for colour. It was found that Vitamin C content of different cashew apple products like clarified juice, squash, wine, jam and candy, fortnight analysis revealed that there was significant differences between the time of preparation and length of storage period. In the case of wine the vitamin C content and the time of preparation was on par with one after fifteen days. After that there was significant reduction in the vitamin C content with the increasing storage period. Monthly analysis of total soluble solids and reducing sugars in clarified juice, squash and jam was found to increase with increased storage time. But it was decreased in wine. In candy, total soluble solid was lowered during storage of six months. Total phenol content of all products showed decreasing trend. Monthly analysis of acidity of different cashew apple products like clarified juice, squash, wine and jam revealed an increasing trend. But in candy it showed a decreasing trend. pH or all products except candy were significantly lower after storage when compared to initial levels. Alcohol content of wine increase during storage. Before storage it was 8.70 per cent, while after six months of storage it was to 14.00 per cent. The rate of change of vitamin c was found to decrease as -0.41 mg/100g, -0.34 mg/100g, -0.56 mg/100g, -0.54 mg/100g and -0.53 mg/100g in clarified juice, squash, wine, jam and candy respectively. Total soluble solids in clarified juice (+0.26), squash (+0.33), and jam (+ 0.46) increased during storage, but in wine (-0.94) and candy (-0.45) it was found to decrease. A rice in Reducing sugars was found in clarified juice (+0.24 per cent) squash (+0.05 per cent) jam (+0.09 per cent) and candy (+0.11 per cent) but in wine (-0.371 per cent) it was found to decrease. The rate of change of total phenol content in clarified juice (-0.024), squash (-0.019), wine (-0.018), jam (-0.017), candy (-0.013) was found to decrease during storage of six months. pH of clarified juice, squash, wine and jam were found to decrease during storage but in candy it was found to increase. Acidity showed an increasing trend in clarified juice (+0.01), squash (+0.01), wine (+0.01) and jam (+0.02) but in candy it was found to decrease. Organoleptic evaluation of clarified juice found that the score for appearance increased over a period of six months. Taste depicted a decreasing trend, when the period of storage increased. The scores obtained during fourth, fifth and sixth months were significantly lower when compared to the initial values recorded. There was reduction in flavour during storage. For squash the scores for appearance, taste and flavour decreased over a period of six months. Appearance of wine received maximum scores in the six months of storage. Highest score for taste was obtained during the sixth month of storage. The mean scores obtained for flavour before storage was 3.15, after six months it attained a mean score of 4.00. Strength of wine also measured during storage. Appearance of jam slowly diminishing as the storage interval advance. Taste attributes, flavour and colour were also found to decline. Texture of jam showed no difference. Appearance, taste and colour of candy declined during storage. Flavour of cashew apple candy maintained the maximum level up to third month of storage. All products assessed for microbial contamination during early months of storage. All the products except candy were found to be free from contamination. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani en_US
dc.subject Home Science en_US
dc.subject Cashew
dc.title Qualitative changes in cashew apple products in storage with special reference to vitamin C en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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