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Yield maximisation of banana through organic and inorganic manuring

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dc.contributor.advisor Shahul Hameed, S M
dc.contributor.author Baiju, B R
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-19T09:30:51Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-19T09:30:51Z
dc.date.issued 1998
dc.identifier.citation 171318 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 171318 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/9168
dc.description.abstract . An experiment was conducted at the Instructional farm attached to College of Agriculture, Vellayani during January 1995 to November 1995 with the objective of finding out the different sources of organic and inorganic nutrients for increasing the productivity of Nendran banana, the effect of post shooting application of urea and growth regulators on the bunch weight and to work out the benefit cost ratio by the integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Four levels of manures and three levels of post shooting treatments were tried in RBD with 3 replications. The results of the study revealed that application of poultry manure at the rate of five kg plant-1 increased total crop duration. Farm yard manure at the rate of 10 kg plant-1 and 2,4-D 10 ppm spray recorded maximum height at all stages. Bunch yield was maximum of (11.39 kg) with poultry manure at 5 kg plant-1, Highest bunch weight was recorded by 2,4-D 10 ppm spray and total number of fingers with urea 1 per cent spray. Among the ripe fruit characters, highest pulp / peel ratio was with poultry manure at the rate of five kg plant-1 even though higher finger weight, pulp weight and lower peel weight were recorded with poultry manure at the rate of five kg plant-1. Application of urea one per cent spray increased weight of finger. Among the quality attributes, higher values for TSS were noticed with level M1. Lowest value for acidity was observed for five kg poultry manure and tying urea 15 g. Total sugar was high with 10 kg farm yard manure and 2,4-D 10 ppm spray and non reducing sugar was high with level farm yard manure at 10 kg plant-1. Sugar-acid ratio was low for vermicompost at the rate of five kg plant-1. Sensory evaluation revealed that all treatments produced fruits with similar taste, flavour and colour. N content of index leaf showed significant variation at harvest with maximum value recorded with neem cake at the rate of five kg plant-1. P content of leaf was maximum with level neem cake five kg plant-1 and minimum with level farm yard manure 10 kg plant-1. The K content of leaf was maximum with neem cake level five kg plant-1 among manurial treatment. When the economics of production was worked out, it was observed that a combination of farm yard manure at 10 kg plant-1 and 2,4-D 10 ppm spray (M1P1) recorded the highest benefit cost ratio. The highest net profit of Rs. 1,49,045 was realised per hectare in farm yard manure at 10 kg plant-1 and 2,4-D 10 ppm spray. The present study revealed that application of poultry manure at five kg plant-1 and 2,4-D 10 ppm spray was beneficial for better growth, yield and quality of fruit in 'Nendran' banana. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani en_US
dc.subject Agronomy en_US
dc.subject Banana
dc.title Yield maximisation of banana through organic and inorganic manuring en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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