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Food consumption pattern of rural house-holds below poverty line as influenced by food subsidies distributed through fair price shops

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dc.contributor.advisor Prema, L
dc.contributor.author Priya Gopinath, R
dc.date.accessioned 2020-12-03T08:29:35Z
dc.date.available 2020-12-03T08:29:35Z
dc.date.issued 1994
dc.identifier.citation 170674 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 170674 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/9542
dc.description.abstract A Study on the food consumption pattern of rural household below poverty line as influenced by the food subsides distributed through fair prices shops was taken up to evaluate the socio – economic and personal characteristic of the beneficiaries, daily food consumption pattern and contribution of food subsidies available through fair price shops on their daily diet. On the basis of their participation in public distribution system 120 households of 4 groups with 76 to 100 percent participation , 51 to 75 percent participation , 26 to 50 percent participation and less than 25 percent participation were selected for the study. All the house holds surveyed were more or less in similar socio economic back ground. Present of the monthly income in all the four groups was incurred for food especially for cereals. It was also found that percentage cereal expenditure was increasing from group 1 to group4. Among the house holds in the four groups more percentage of house holds were spending less than ten percent of their total food expenditure for purchasing food ration. A comparison among four groups revealed that percentage of ration expenditure against total food expenditure was low in group 1 and this was gradually increasing from 1 to group 4. All households in the four groups were found to include rice, sugar, coconut, milk, spices and condiments and oil every day. Rice , wheat, sugar and oil were purchased from fair price shops. Rice and oil distributed through this shops were not adequate for the households and hence open marker services were utilized. House holds under groups 1 were found using the ration cards regularly in every week and households in group 4 were not in the habit of purchasing ration regularly. The beneficiaries had favourable views about the quantity and quality of food subsidies supplied through this system. Food consumption pattern of all households in 4 groups in revealed that the food consumption of households were better in group 1 than the house holds in other 3 groups. But the diets of all the four groups were below the recommended daily allowances. Nutritional status of different age groups was ascertained in the 20households selected (10 each from group 1 and group 4). It was found that clinical scores based on various deficiency diseases was higher for family members belonging to group 2. Teethcarries and spongy bleeding of gums were common among the children of the two groups of the house holds. Haemoglobin level was below average in adult females and adolescent females in both the groups. The present study gives an indication that public distribution system has positively influenced the regular beneficiaries and prolonged implementation of the programme is one of the methods to achieve sufficient health profile for the population in below poverty line of the country. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture,Vellayani en_US
dc.subject Food Consumption en_US
dc.title Food consumption pattern of rural house-holds below poverty line as influenced by food subsidies distributed through fair price shops en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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