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Biology and population build up of the rice white backed Planthopper, sogatella furcifera (Horvath) on different rice varieties

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dc.contributor.advisor Madhavan Nair, G
dc.contributor.author Ajith, P P
dc.date.accessioned 2020-12-03T09:00:54Z
dc.date.available 2020-12-03T09:00:54Z
dc.date.issued 1990
dc.identifier.citation 170224 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 170224 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/9551
dc.description.abstract Investigations were carried out in the College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 1988 to identify cultivars resistant to the white backed planthopper, S. furcifera from among the high yielding rice varities commonly cultivated in Kerala. The rice cultivars Cul 126, Cul 93, Ptb 33, Karthika, Pavizham, Jyothi, Triveni and TN-1 were chosen for preliminary screening by seed box screening, free-choice and no-choice tests and by tests on orientation and settling response and population build up. In the seed box screening and free choice and no choice tests, the cultivar Cul 126 recorded the lowest damage and the cultivar TN-1 showed the highest damage, indicating resistance in the former and susceptibility in the latter. The cultivar Jyothi did not differ from Cul 126 and the cultivars Cul 93, Ptb 33, Pavizham and Karthika showed intermediate levels of resistance. In the orientation and settling response test the highest number of S. furcifera nymphs were seen settled on TN-1, where as it was the lowest on Cul 126 and it was followed by Jyothi, indicating a clear preference to the susceptible TN-1. The insect multiplied faster and in greater number on TN-1 and the total count was about thirty times more on TN-1 as compared to that on Cul 126 at 60 days after release. Based on the results of the preliminary screening trials, the cultivar Cul 126 and Jyothi (resistant), Pavizham and Karthika (moderately resistant) and TN-1 (susceptible check) were selected for studying the mechanisms of resistance. In the experiment to study the ovipositional preference of the insects it was found that the susceptible TN – 1 and the resistant Cul 126 received the highest and lowest number of eggs respectively. It was also revealed that the leaf sheath received more eggs than the leaf blade. The antibiosis factor in the cultivars was investigated in terms of nymphal duration, nymphal survival, sex ratio of emerging adults, adult longevity, fecundity and hatching percentage of eggs in three growth stages of plants, namely, seedling, tillering and booting stages. The insects from the susceptible TN – 1 had the shortest nymphal duration and the longest adult longevity. The percentage of nymphal survival, fecundity and female/male ratio of the emerging adults were also the highest on TN -1. However, the insects from Cul 126, and Jyothi had longer nymphal duration and shorter adult longevity. The survival, fecundity and female/male ratio of the emerging adults from these cultivars were also lower as compared to TN – 1. The results were uniform in all the three growth stages of the crop. No difference could be observed in the hatching percentage of eggs in the test cultivars in the seedling stage, but in the tillering and booting stages the eggs on TN – 1 showed higher hatching percentage. The results indicated the presence of antibiosis factor in the resistant cultivars, Cul 126 and Jyothi. These results were further confirmed in the experiment on the feeding rate of the insect on the test cultivars. Insects on TN-1 produced the largest area of honey dew spots as compared to others in all the three growth stages showing significantly higher feeding rates. The feeding rate in Cul 126 was the lowest. The effect of crowing of first instar nymphs was more pronounced on the insects on TN-1. The survival percentage was the maximum in crowing at the rate of 25 and it dwindled substantially in the susceptible and resistant cultivars alike in crowding at the rate of 100. Crowding did not have any effect on the sex ratio and brachyptery of emerging adults. When S. furcifera and N. lugens were released together in different proportions, the latter surpassed the former in total number in all the cultivars when counts were taken at 60 days after release of the insects. The result indicated that in cultivars resistant or susceptible to both the insects, N. lugens established a numerical superiority over S. furcifera. In studies to identify the wet land weeds which serve as alternate hosts to S. furcifera, it was found that the insects oviposited in none of the weed plants tested. The nymphs could survive only on Echinochloa colona and Panicum repens. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani en_US
dc.subject Whitebacked Planthopper en_US
dc.title Biology and population build up of the rice white backed Planthopper, sogatella furcifera (Horvath) on different rice varieties en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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