The stxidy entitled *^orkers' Participation in Management - A
case study of Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited" was conducted
with a view to analyse the workers' participation in management of
Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited.
Simple mathematical tools like average, percentage, etc. were
used for the analysis of the data. Workers' participation in
management of the company was analysed using the workers'
participation index. The required data for the analysis were
collected through interview among the employees using a prestructured
interview schedule.
The study revealed existence of workers' participation to a
good extent in KMML. However, measures like informal discussions
with subordinates, promotions based on seniority as well as
performcince, regular meetings and joint forums, more
encouragement to workers' suggestions, better appreciation of
workers performance, encouragement of mutual and cordial
relationship between workers, added importance on personality
development of workers and strengthening of quality circles will
help to improve the extent of workers' participation.