Biotechnology of major cereals [electronic resource] Edited by H. D. Jones. - 1 - Wallingford UK CABI 2016 - 234pp.; - CABI Books . - CABI Books .

Biotechnology of Major Cereals focuses on the recent advances and future prospects in cereal biotechnology. The first part of the book covers the world's major cereals and focus on new developments and trends. The second part is technology rather than species-led, detailing fundamental developments in technologies and significant target traits.


10.1079/9781780645193.0000 doi

private companies Setaria viridis plants plant pests insects genetic engineering RNAi animals Oryza sativa food safety Setaria (Poaceae) barley angiosperms invertebrates wheat genetic markers acrylamides genetically engineered plants genes Triticum paddy corn Triticum aestivum arthropod pests pests DNA sequences pest insects pest arthropods monocotyledons Hexapoda sugar sorghum Hordeum vulgare commelinids Oryza endosperm Spermatophyta arthropods insect pests nucleotide sequences acquisition of ownership Poaceae GEOs rice gene silencing Sorghum mergers transgenic plants Zea mays cold tolerance agribusiness sweet sorghum Sorghum bicolor genetic improvement Zea carcinogens genetic resistance maize transgenic organisms genetically modified organisms Poales RNA interference Hordeum genetically modified plants GMOs genetically engineered organisms genetic manipulation pest resistance cold stress genetic transformation eukaryotes
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