Influence of host, light a nd minera l nutrition on the growth of sa nda l seedlings ( sa nta lum a lbum L)
by Sa mom Khelen Singh | Sa nthoshkuma r A V( Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book; Forma t:
; Litera ry form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment Of Tree physiology & Breeding,Co Forestry 2008Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for loa n: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 SA M/IN] (1).
In vitro propa ga tion of big - lea f ma hoga ny (swietenia ma crophylla king through tissue culture.
by Girish Sa nkri | Sa nthoshkuma r A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book; Forma t:
; Litera ry form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree Physiology a nd Breeding, College of horticulture 2009Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for loa n: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 GIR/IN PG] (1).
Seed source va ria tion in the seed a nd seedling cha ra cters of a shoka (sa ra ca a soca (Roxb.) de wilde)
by Deepa K S | Sa nthoshkuma r A V( Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book; Forma t:
; Litera ry form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree physiology a nd Breeding, College of Forestry, 2010Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for loa n: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 DEE/SE] (1).
Qua ntifica tion of a nthropogenic disturba nces in forest a s a function of dista nce to huma n ha bita tion - a ca se study from peechi - va zha ni wildlife sa nctua ry
by Pa ul C Roby | Sa nthoshkuma r A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book; Forma t:
; Litera ry form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree Physiology a nd Breeding, College of Forestry 2013Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 PA U/QU] (1).
Enha ncement of stora ge life of synthetic seeds of cocoa (Theobroma Ca ca o L.) through germina tion inhibition, desicca tion a nd low tempera ture trea tments
by Mobin K M | Sa nthoshkuma r A V( Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book; Forma t:
; Litera ry form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree Physiology a nd breeding, College of forestry 2014Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 MOB/EN] (1).
Influence of pla nting density a nd pruning on therma l, ra dia tive a nd moisture regimes in A ca cia ma ngium Willd. sta nd
by Ha rsha C | Sa nthoshkuma r A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree Physiology a nd Breeding, College of Forestry 2016Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 HA R/IN] (1).
Genetic diversity a nd popula tion structure of two disjunct na tura l popula tions of Syzygium tra va ncoricum Ga mble.
by Moha mmed A nees P V | Sa nthoshkuma r A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree Physiology a nd Breeding, College of Forestry 2016Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 MOH/GE] (1).
Effica cy of a rbuscula r mycorrhiza l fungi for drought tolera nce in Swietenia ma crophylla King. seedlings
by La kshmy J Ra ja n | Sa nthoshkuma r A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree Physiology a nd Breeding, College of Forestry 2016Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 LA K/EF] (1).
Morpho-physiologica l diversity a ssessment of Ga rcinia gummi-gutta (L.) Robs. germpla sm collection
by Ka vya Shreepa d Ra ysa d | Sa nthoshkuma r A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Tree Physiology a nd Breeding, College of Forestry 2016Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 KA V/MO] (1).
Clima te cha nge a da pta tion through improved wa ter use efficiency in rice (Oryza sa tiva L.)
by A nja ly C Bose | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra A ca demy of Clima te Cha nge Educa tion a nd Resea rch 2016Disserta tion note: BSc-MSc (Integra ted) Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 551.56 A NJ/CL] (1).
Field performa nce of a rbuscula r mycorrhiza l fungi on vegeta tive growth of ma hoga ny (swietenia ma crophylla king.) seedlings
by Sa tya bra ta Na ya k | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Forest Biology a nd Tree Improvement, College of Forestry 2018Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 SA T/FI] (1).
Morphologica l a nd biochemica l diversity a ssessment of Ga rcinia indica (Thoua rs) choisy germpla sm
by Ra veena Ka pa tia | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Forest Biology a nd Tree Improvement, College of Forestry 2019Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 RA V/MO PG] (1).
Genetic va ria bility a nd plus tree selection in na tura l popula tions of Ma la veppu (Melia dubia Ca v.)
by Binu N.Ka ma lolbha va n | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V( Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Forest biology a nd tree improvement 2019Disserta tion note: PhD Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 BIN/GE Ph.D] (1).
Diversity a ssessment a nd selection of ca ndida te plus trees of A ila nthus triphysa (Dennst.) A lston in selected districts of northern Kera la
by Jes La lnunpuia | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Forest Biology a nd tree improvement, College of Forestry 2020Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for loa n: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 JES/DI PG] (1).
Genetic diversity a nd domestica tion of Pyrena ca ntha volubilis Wight, a n a nti ca ncer drug yielding pla nt
by A rjun Ra ma cha ndra n | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Forest Biology a nd Tree Improvement, College of Forestry 2020Disserta tion note: PhD Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for loa n: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 A RJ/GE PhD] (1).
Selection for drought tolera nce a nd wood qua lity tra its from selected a ccessions of Tectona gra ndis Linn f.
by A nja na C B | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Forest Biology a nd Tree Improvement 2020Disserta tion note: MSc Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for loa n: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 A NJ/SE PG] (1).
Clima te cha nge a da pta tion through improved wa ter use efficiency in rice (Oryza sa tiva L.)
by A nja ly C Bose | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V (Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra A ca demy of Clima te Cha nge Educa tion a nd Resea rch 2016A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: College of Clima te Cha nge a nd Environmenta l Science, Vella nikka ra [Ca ll number: 551.56 A NJ/CL] (1).
Screening a nd QTL ma pping for drought tolera nce a mong the plus trees of Tectona gra ndis L.f.
by A swa th, M N | Sa nthoshkuma r, A V( Guide).
Ma teria l type: Book Publisher: Vella nikka ra Depa rtment of Forest Biology a nd Tree Improvement, College of Forestry 2024Disserta tion note: PhD Online a ccess: Click here to a ccess online A va ila bility: Items a va ila ble for reference: KA U Centra l Libra ry, Thrissur [Ca ll number: 634.9 A SH/SC PhD] (1).