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1. Vazhakrishi : banana cultivation

by Gopimony,R | Sasidhar,V K.

Edition: 3Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Trivandrum State Institute of Languages 1994Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.772 GOP/VA] (3).

2. Textbook on Pomology: tropical fruits volume II

by Chattopadhyay, T K, Ed.

Edition: 2, rev.Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Kalyani Publishers 2006Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 CHA/TE] (3).

3. Banana root system:towards a better understanding for its productive management

by | Turner, David W.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: San Jose INIBAP 2003Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.772 TUR/BA] (1).

4. Banana:Indian genetic resources and catague

by Uma,S | Durai,P | Sathiamoorthy,S.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Tiruchirapalli National research centre for banana 2005Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.772 UMA/BA] (1).

5. Banana

by Tajuddin, E | Janardhanan pillai, S | Job Sathyakumar Charles | Rema Menon.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Thrissur Kerala Agricultural University 1996Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.772 TAJ/BA] (1). Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.772 TAJ/BA] (1).

6. Annual report 1995-96

by ICAR.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Tamil Nadu National research centre on banana Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR NRCB] (1).

7. Fruits:Tropical and subtropical V.1&2

by | T K Bose, et al.

Edition: 3Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Calcutta Naya Udyog 2001Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 BOS/FR] (2).

8. Annual report:2003-04

by NRCB.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Tiruchirapalli NRCB 2004Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB AR/2003-04] (1).

9. Annual Report:2004


Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Montpellier INIBAP 2005Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: INIBAP AR/2004] (1).

10. Annual Report:2005


Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Mont Pellier IPGRI 2005Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IPGRI/INIBAP AR/2005] (1).

11. Annual Report:2005-06

by NRCBanana.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Tiruchirapalli national research Centre for banana 2006Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB AR/2005-06] (1).

12. Handbook for field level diagnosis and management of diseases, insect pests and nutritional disorders in coconut based cropping system : Vol.3 : Banana

by Sreekumar,K M | Jacob,John | Joy,M.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Kerala agricultural university 2007Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 632 SRE/HA] (1).

13. XXXI st zonal research and extension advisory committe meeting central zone:research highlights

by RARS.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Thrissur KAU 2009Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 633.18 IR/RARS-P] (1).

14. Annual Report:2006-07

by NRCB.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Thayanur NRCB 2007Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB AR/2006-07] (1).

15. Annual report:2008-09

by NRCB.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Tiruchirapalli NRCB 2009Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB AR/2008-09] (1).

16. Micropropagation for production of quality banana planting material in Asia Pacific

by Singh ,H.P | Uma ,S.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi APCOAB 2011Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.772 SIN/MI] (1).

17. Annual report 2010-11.

by | Mustaffa,M M | Thangavelu,R.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Tamil Nadu National research centre for banana 2010-11Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB AR/2010-11] (1).

18. Nematodes on banana and their control

by Job Sathya,Kumar Charles | Venkitesan,T S.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Mannuthy KAU 1988Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 592.57 JOB/NE] (1).

19. Plant tissue culture: Theory and practice

by Jwala, Aggarwal | Shekhar, K Arora.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Campus Books International 2014Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 571.538 2 JWA/PL] (1).

20. Advances in Diseases of Fruit Crops in India

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Kalyani Publishers 2013Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 632.3 SIN/AD] (1).

21. Textbook on pomology (Tropical Fruits) Vol.II

by Chattopadhyay, T K.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 1996Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 CHA/TE] (1).

22. Banana wars: the anatomy of a trade dispute

by Josling, Timothy Edward | Taylor, T. Geoffrey.

Material type: book Book Publisher: UK CAB International 2003Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 382/.414772/098] (1).

23. Seed economics

by Apoorva Karanth.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Black Prints 2013Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 338.1 APO/SE] (1).

24. Fruit production: major fruits

by Sharma R R | Hare Krishna.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Daya Publishing House a Division of Astral International Pvt. Ltd. 2014Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 SHA/FR] (2).

25. Handbook of fruit science and technology: production, composition, storage and processing

by Salunkhe D K | Kadam S S.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Boca Raton CRC press 2013Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 SAL/HA] (1).

26. NCRB 1993-2013 20 Years Achievements

by Mustaffa M M | Mayil Vaganan M | Padmanaban B.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Thiruchirapalli ICAR-NRCB 2013Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB AR/1993-2013] (1).

27. Annual Report 2014-15

by Padmanaban B | Ravi I | Backiyarani S.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Tiruchirapalli ICAR-NRCB 2015Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB AR/14-15] (1).

28. Vision 2050

by NRCB.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Tirochiappalli NRCB 2015Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: ICAR/NRCB] (1).

29. Management of banana bract mosaic virus (BBrMV) symptoms in banana with micronutrients

by Sangeetha S S | Sam T Kurumthottical.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Vellayani Department of Soil Science and Agriculture, College of Agriculture 2015Dissertation note: MSc. Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 631.4 SAN/MA] (1).

30. Insect pests management of fruit crops

by Ajay Kumar Pandey | Pramod Mall.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Biotech books 2016Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 632.7 AJA/IN] (1).

31. Textbook on fruits and plantation crops

by Ponnuswami, V | Kumar, M | Arumugam, V | Ramesh Kumar, S | Krishnamoorthy, C.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Delhi Jaya Publishing House 2015Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 635 PON/TE] (3).

32. Fruit breeding: approaches and applications

by Kaushal Kumar Misra | Navneet Kumar Mishra | Satish Chand.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Biotech Books 2017Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 KAU/FR] (1).

33. Horticulture for inclusive growth V.1: food, livelihood and environmental security

by Chadha, K L | Pritam Kalia | Singh, S K.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Westville Publishing House 2016Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 635 CHA/HO] (1).

34. Post harvest management of horticultural crops

by Pandey, Sadhna | Pandey, S N | Pandey, P H.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2011Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 641.4 PAN/PO] (4).

35. Instant of tropical and subtropical fruit crops

by Jaishankar, H P | Laxman Kukanoor.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Jaya Publishing House 2016Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 JAI/IN] (2).

36. Diseases of horticultural crops and their management

by Manoj Kumar Kalita | Krishna Kumar Das | Khagendra Nath Bhagabati.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Kalyani Publishers 2016Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 635.92 MAN/DI] (1).

37. Breeding of fruit crops

by Ramachandra, R K | Nachegowda, V | Honnabyraiah, M K.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Delhi Jaya Publishing House 2015Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 RAM/BR] (1).

38. Tropical and sub tropical fruit crops: crop improvement and varietal wealth Part I

by Ghosh, S N.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Jaya Publishing House 2014Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 GHO/TR] (1).

39. Nutrition in traditional therapeutic foods V.2

by Subbulakshmi, G | Mandalika Subhadra.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Daya Publishing House 2016Online access: Click here to access online | Click here to access online | Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur (1).

40. vazha /വാഴ

by Berin Pathrose | Sunil, V G | Habeeburrahman, P V | Praveena, A.

Edition: 2Material type: book Book Publisher: Tavanur ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra 2017Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 634.772 BER/VA] (1).

41. Entrepreneurship and skill development in horticultural processing

by Sudheer, K P | Indira, V.

Publisher: New Delhi New India Publishing Agency 2018Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 635.6 SUD/EN] (1).

42. Banana systems: enhancing resilence and productivity

by Mahesh Kumar.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Random Publications 2017Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.772 MAH/BA] (1).

43. Chengazhikkodan:vazhayude ulppathi perinte uravidam /ചെങ്ങഴിക്കോടന്‍:വാഴയുടെ ഉല്പത്തി, പേരിന്‍റെ ഉറവിടം

by Sulochana Kolazhy.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Sauhridam Literacy and Cultural Society 2014Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.773 SUL/CH] (1).

44. Vazha:Rogangalum keedangalum /വാഴ:രോഗങ്ങളും കീടങ്ങളും

by Estallita, S | Jim Thomas | Jyothi Bhaskar | Suma, A.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Mannuthy Kerala Agricultural University 1997Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 634.772 EST/VA] (1).

45. Fruits

by Ranjit Singh.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi National book trust 1969Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 RAN/FR] (1).

46. Nematodes on banana and their control

by Job Sathya Kumar Charles | Venkitesan, T S | Pushkaran, K.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Mannuthy Kerala agricultural university 1988Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 595.182 045 249 JOB/NE] (1).

47. Protocol for production and trial shipment of banana variety Nendran (Musa AAB)

Material type: book Book Publisher: Kannara,Thrissur Banana Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 634.772 BRS/PR] (1).

48. Fruit crops

by Radha, T | Lila Mathew.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi New India publishing agency Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634 RAD/FR] (1).

49. Advances in preservation and processing technologies of fruits and vegetables S Rajarathnam

by RS Ramteke | S Rajarathnam.

Edition: 1st Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi ; New India publishing agency ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: College of Forestry, Vellanikkara [Call number: 664.807 RAJ/AD] (1).

50. Trees of India ( In 2Vol.) V. 1

by S P Rawat.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Delhi ; GeneTech Books ; 2008Availability: Items available for loan: College of Forestry, Vellanikkara [Call number: 582.16 RAW/TR] (1).

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