Your search returned 18 results. Subscribe to this search

1. Herbicides and plant physiology

by Cobt,Andrew.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London Chapman & Hall 1992Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 632.954 COB/HE] (1).

2. Amino acids in animal nutrition

by D'Mello, J. P. Felix.

Edition: Second edition.Material type: book Book Publisher: UK CAB International 2003Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 636.08/52] (1).

3. Nutrient composition of Indian feeds and fodder

by ICAR.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Agricultural Research 2013Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 636.085 IND/NU] (4).

4. Biochemistry : the molecular basis of cell structure and function

by Lehninger, Albert L.

Edition: 2Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Kalyani publishers 1970Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 572 LEH/BI] (1).

5. Bioinformatics C.A Orengo

by C.A Orengo.

Edition: 1st Idian Reprint Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London ; Taylor & Francis Pub. ; 2008Availability: Items available for loan: College of Forestry, Vellanikkara [Call number: 572.82 ORE/BI] (1).

6. Metabolism of amino acids and amines Part A

by Tabor, Celia white | Tabor, Herbert.

Publisher: New York, Academic press ; 1970Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 574.1925 MET.17.01] (1).

7. Metabolism of amino acids amines part B

by Tabor, Celia White | Tabor, Herbert.

Publisher: Newyork, Academic press ; 1971Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani (1).

8. Amino acid metabolism and genetic variation

by Nyhan, William.L.

Publisher: New York, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co ; 1967Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 575.28 NYH] (1).

9. Amino acid fortification of protein foods

by Altschul, Aaron M | Scrimshaw, Nevin S.

Publisher: Cambridge, MIT Press ; 1971Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 641.12 SCR] (1).

10. Current research in protein chemistry: techniques, structure & function

by Villafranca, Joseph J.

Publisher: Newyork, Academic press ; 1990Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 547.750 072 CUR] (1).

11. Recent aspects of nitrogen metabolism in plants: proceedings of symposium held at long ashton research station university of bristo 18-19 april 1967

by Hewitt E J, Cutting C V.

Publisher: London, Academic press ; 1968Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 581.1335 HEW] (1).

12. Nitrogen metabolism in plants

by Bray, C.M.

Publisher: London, Longman ; 1983Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 581.876 1 BRA] (1).

13. Current topics in cellular regulation v 2

by Horecker, Bernard L | Stadtman, Earl R.

Publisher: Newyork, Academic press ; 1970Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 574. 87 CUR.02] (1).

14. Amino acid analysis

by Rattenbury, J M.

Publisher: Ellis hoswood ltd. ; 1981Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 612.015 75 RAT] (1).

15. Nitrogen metabolism in plants

by Beevers, Leonard.

Publisher: London, Arnold- Heinemann ; 1976Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 581.133 54 BEE] (1).

16. Nitrogen metabolism in plants

by Webster, George C.

Publisher: Illinois, Row peterson and Co ; 1959Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 581.133 WEB] (1).

17. Experimental biochemistry

by Clark J M | Switzer R L | [Author].

Edition: 2nd Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Sanfrancisco ; W . H Freeman and Company ; 1964Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 574 .192 CLA/EX] (1).

18. Herbicides and plant physiology: 2nd ed.

by Cobb Andrew H | Reade John P H.

Edition: 2Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Wiley Blackwell 2014Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 632.9 COB/HE] (1).

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