irrigation principles and practices
by Hansen, Vaughn E | Israelsen, Orson W | Stringham, Glen E.
Edition: 4 Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1979Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 631.7 HAN] (1).
Crops : a self teaching course, based on crop management and soil conservation
by Cox, Joseph F | Jackson, Lyman E.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1937Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 633 COX] (1).
Biochemical insect control its impact on economy, enviornment and natural selection
by Quraishi, Sayeed M.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 632. 951 QUR] (1).
Irrigation principles and practices
by Hansen, Vaughn E | Israelsen, Orson W.
Edition: 3 Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1962Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 631.7 ISR] (1).
tropical tuber crops : yams, cassava, sweet potato, and cocoyams
by Onwueme, I.C.
Publisher: Chichester, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1978Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 633.409 53 ONW] (1).
Proteins: a theoretical perspective of dynamics, structure and thermodynamics
by Brooks III, Charles L | Karplus, Martin | Pettilt, Montgeomery B.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1988Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 547.75 BRO] (1).
Physical geology
by Flint, Richard Foster | Longwell, Chester R | Sanders, John E.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1969Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 551 LON] (1).
Introduction to agricultural economic analysis
by Bishop C E, Toussaint W D.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1958Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 338.1 BIS] (1).
Herbicide resistance in plants
by Gressel, Jonathan | Lebaron, Homer M.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 632.954 LEB] (1).
Irrigation engineering, V 1 agricultural and hydrological phases
by Houk, Ivan E.
Publisher: London, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1951Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 627. 52 HOU] (1).
Poultry Breeding
by Jull, Moley A.
Edition: 3 Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1932Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.508 2 JUL] (1).
Judging Dairy cattle
by Harrison, Edwin S.
Publisher: London, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1940Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.208 11 HAR] (1).
Physiology of fungi
by Cohrane, Vincent W.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1958Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 589.204 1 COC] (1).
Introductory Mycology
by Alexopoulos, Constantine J.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1952Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 589.2 ALE] (1).
Introductory Mycology
by Alexopoulos, Constantine John.
Edition: 13 Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1952Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 589.2 ALE] (1).
Design and analysis of experiments
by Kempthorne, Oscar.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1952Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 001.434 KEM] (1).
Sewage and sewage treatment
by Babbitt, Harold E.
Edition: 2 Publisher: London, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1925Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 628.2 BAB] (1).
Text book of entomology
by Ross, Herbert H.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1956Availability: No items available Withdrawn (1).
Bacteriology: A text book of Microorganisms
by Tanner, Fred Wilbur.
Edition: 4 Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1951Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 589.9 TAN] (1).
Water bacteriology: with special reference to sanitary analysis
by McCrady, Mac Harvey | Prescott, Samuel Cate | Prescott, Samuel Cate | Winslow, Charles Edward A | Winslow, Charles- Edward A.
Edition: 6 Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1950Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 589.905 263 PRE] (1).
Introduction to soil microbiology
by Alexander, Martin.
Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1961Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 631. 46 ALE] (1).
Elements of plant protection
by Pyenson, Louis L.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1951Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 632.93 PYE] (1).
Soils and fertilizers
by Bear, Firman E.
Edition: 4 Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1924Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 631.4 BEA] (1).
Elements of plant protection
by Pyenson, Louis L.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1951Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 632.93 PYE] (1).
Principles of weed control
by Ahlgren, Gilbert H | Klingman, Glenn C | Wolf, Dale E.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1951Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 632.954 AHL] (1).
Weed control : as a science
by Klingman, Glenn C.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1961Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 632.954 KLI] (1).
Fundamentals of soil science
by Millar C E, Turk L M.
Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1943Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 631.4 MIL] (1).
Hatchery operation and management
by Funk, Ernest M | Irwin, Richard M.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1955Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.514 2 FUN] (1).
Hatchery operation and management
by Funk, Ernest M | Irwin, Richard M.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1955Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.5142 FUN] (1).
Understanding heredity: an introduction to genetics
by Goldschmidt, Richard B.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1952Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 575.1 GOL] (1).
Hatchery operation and management
by Funk, Ernest M | Irwin, Richard M.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1955Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.514 2 FUN] (1).
Design and analysis of experiments
by kempthorne, Oscal.
Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1952Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 001. 434 KEM] (1).
Cane sugar handbook : a manual for cane sugar manufacturers and their chemists
by Meade, George P | Spencer, Guilford L.
Edition: 8 Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1889Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 633.610 2 SPE] (1).
Hand book of methods of applied statistics. V. 1: techniques of computation, descriptive methods and statistical inference
by Chakravarthi, I M | Laha, R G | Roy, J.
Publisher: London, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1967Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 519.5 CHA.01] (1).
Introductory mycology
by Alexopolos, Constantcne John.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1952Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 589.2 ALE] (1).
Animal breeding
by Winters, Laurence M.
Publisher: London, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1925Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.082 WIN] (1).
Biochemical properties V. 1
by Behrens, Otto K | Bloch, Konrad | Boeyr, Paul D.
Publisher: london, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1957Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 574.192 028 BIO.01] (1).
Outlines of enzyme chemistry: with a chapter on the synthesis of enzymes
by Neilands, J B | Stanier, Roger Y | Stumpf, Poul K.
Edition: 2 Publisher: London, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1955Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 574.192 NEI] (1).
Dairy cattle : selection feeding and management
by Nevens, William Barbour | Yapp, William Wodin.
Publisher: London, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1926Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.21 YAP] (1).
Physical and chemical methods of sugar analysis: a practical and descriptive treatise for use in research technical and
by Browne C A, Zerban F W.
Edition: 3 Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1912Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 664. 1227 BRO] (1).
Logging : the principles and general methods of operations in the united states
by Bryandt, Ralph Clement.
Edition: 2 Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1923Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 634.982 BRY] (1).
Food service in institution
by Brooks, Bessie | Harger, Virgina I | Wood, Levelle.
Edition: 5 Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1938Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 642.5 WES] (1).
Introduction to breeding farm animals
by Winters, Laurence M.
Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1942Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.082 WIN] (1).
Dairy engineering
by Farrall, Arthur W.
Edition: 2 Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1942Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 637 FAR] (1).
Dairy engineering
by Farrall, Arthur W.
Edition: 2 Publisher: USA, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1942Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 637 FAR] (1).
Soil microbiology
by Waksman, Selman A.
Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1952Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 631.46 WAK] (1).
Judging Dairy cattle
by Harrison, Edwin S.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1957Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.208 11 HAR] (1).
by Black, C A.
Publisher: U S A, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1957Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 631.4 BLA] (1).
Structure and composition of foods V. 3. Milk (including human), butter, cheese, Ice cream ..................
by Winton, Andrew L | Winton, Kate Barber.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1937Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 664 STR.03] (1).
Fertility and hatchability of chicken and turkey eggs
by Taylos, Lewis W.
Publisher: NewYork, John Wiley & Sons INC ; 1949Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 636.5142 TAY] (1).